Last time I took it out and give it to sumone
He take good care of it
He filled it with love that it never empty
He holded it tight that it never cold
He cleaned it up that it never dirty
He kept it near his so it wont go lost
He light it up that it never dark
but suddenly,he gave it back to me
coz he’s not able to look for it anymore
for he’s going sumwhere n coming back is never assure
I take it back,my heart
But I don’t know how to nurture it
So I just locked it in a hollow space inside my chest
N when to open it,I myself can’t guess
Then came sumone with a key
He filled a bit to my heart that almost empty
He warm a bit to my heart that almost icy
He wash a bit my heart that became dirty
He show me the path where I suppose to be
He open the chest n light the pitch
N at last again I took my heart out
Thinking that he can shelter it with no doubt
then I’ve been struck by lightning
coz he say he’s already take a heart to his caring
n now my heart is out there
sumwhere without a care
all I know now is
its empty
and lost…….
Monday, August 30, 2010
And I thought the worst day has passed..
Yet there’s more to come..
When I thought the worst is over ..
Yet its still there waiting to be found..
i already have a glance of ‘is thought,.
not that I have a power to predict..
nor in people’s mind I can read..
I know it by heart ..
That im just not the apple of ‘is eyes..
Nor the thorn on ‘is rose..
Not even the blooming flower that can melt ‘is ‘art..
I am just a mat..
Where he can lean on when he feel sad..
Where he lie on when he is mad..
Or just sit on and stare at..
And he can step on when he feel bad..
N just pass by when not needed..
Anytime,any place coz I’ll be there always..
But I never mind those..
Because at least I know..
He’ll come to me sooner or later..
When he need me to lie on,lean on, sit on and even step on..
I don’t care..
I will always be there..
Yet there’s more to come..
When I thought the worst is over ..
Yet its still there waiting to be found..
i already have a glance of ‘is thought,.
not that I have a power to predict..
nor in people’s mind I can read..
I know it by heart ..
That im just not the apple of ‘is eyes..
Nor the thorn on ‘is rose..
Not even the blooming flower that can melt ‘is ‘art..
I am just a mat..
Where he can lean on when he feel sad..
Where he lie on when he is mad..
Or just sit on and stare at..
And he can step on when he feel bad..
N just pass by when not needed..
Anytime,any place coz I’ll be there always..
But I never mind those..
Because at least I know..
He’ll come to me sooner or later..
When he need me to lie on,lean on, sit on and even step on..
I don’t care..
I will always be there..
i've been hurt so bad...
without ever making a move i already feel like being rjected from the beginning...
rase mcm hati aq kne koyak2..
da rabak dah ni...
~, _ ,~
dat's why i never confess...
it just take a text to know that u'r someone else's property
n i know i can never trade place with that sumone..
sangat rase cam jantung kne stab..
leh kne heart attack aq kalo cmnih...
i guess this is how it feels like bila putus cinta....
i've been hurt so bad...
without ever making a move i already feel like being rjected from the beginning...
rase mcm hati aq kne koyak2..
da rabak dah ni...
~, _ ,~
dat's why i never confess...
it just take a text to know that u'r someone else's property
n i know i can never trade place with that sumone..
sangat rase cam jantung kne stab..
leh kne heart attack aq kalo cmnih...
i guess this is how it feels like bila putus cinta....
Thursday, August 26, 2010
at last...finally!!
aq da dpt nombor miss raha!!!! OMG im so happy and thanks to pak awie for still remembering this 'cookie monster' and giving me miss raha's number.hehee......
sape miss raha??die ni cam mak aq la kat johor dulu.she care bout me.n she always belanja aq makan.there's one time,sebab aq cite kat die makanan dining hall tak sedap die siap boleh datang cari aq kat kelas pukul 2 (sbab aq ske lepak kat klas tgu time prep,malas nak balik dorm) and tapaukan nasi untuk aq..siap lukis smiley lagi atas polisterin tuh..gila terharu la aq dibuatnya.bukan tuh ja,dulu dia suruh aq jadi storyteller tetiap petang.and so,pergila aq ke bilik warden tuh bercerita kat p.a system almost everyday..n setiap petang jugakla die akan datang for my storytelling session tuh.miss raha,miss raha...die belikan aq 1kg mango,time tuh puan saidah (pkhem) ada sekali,n dia mintak la sebijik 2 then miss raha kata,"i buy this for her,nvrmind..i'll buy u sum other time,ok?!"aq pon sengih je la kt puan saidah.....
i love miss raha,she always pursue me to do things that i am not confident to do.she gave me confident and convince me that i am more than i think i am.for instance,she sign me up for the international english language league held by university of new south wales,australia (UNSW) n i end up at no.64 (which i think is great coz its international).n 1 thing that i cannot forget is harry potter.yes people,HARRY POTTER. she have this complete collection of harry porter and she keep on asking me to read it.at that time i was like,'i dont like harry porter'.so i refuse the harry potter collection and i take her Chicken Soup for The Soul books. she let me borrow her books,n even let me take it home during school holiday. i remember that book;Chicken Soup for The Teenage Soul.she gave it for me to read during holiday and she stay at school until night to gave the book to me and send me to the bus station.sape tak terharu orang layan baik camtuh..haish,then balik umah je aq tros bace that book until page 159 ade satu post-it note tulis happy hols n ade la lg yg die tulis..best sgt2 time tuh n aq simpan note tuh smpai now..nseb baek la aq bca,kalo aq x bca kompem x jmpa note tu n kalo pulang blk buku tuh with the not mesti kantoi yang aq x baca..hee,.
aq lama da tak jumpa dia,even time last day aq kat skola tu dulu pon aq x inform dia pon aq nak pindah..aq xleh..kawan aq bgtaw yang after aq pindah tu dia datang bawak nasi kat aq time rehat,n tanya aq pegi mana.dia tkejut gila..aq da pindah pon dia still bawak nasi kat aq..haish,then ptg tuh dia call aq,sedih gila rasa..n that was the last time i spoke to her..rsa neves lak nk call dia ni...tp xpa,da call nt aq tulis pa creta..
sape miss raha??die ni cam mak aq la kat johor dulu.she care bout me.n she always belanja aq makan.there's one time,sebab aq cite kat die makanan dining hall tak sedap die siap boleh datang cari aq kat kelas pukul 2 (sbab aq ske lepak kat klas tgu time prep,malas nak balik dorm) and tapaukan nasi untuk aq..siap lukis smiley lagi atas polisterin tuh..gila terharu la aq dibuatnya.bukan tuh ja,dulu dia suruh aq jadi storyteller tetiap petang.and so,pergila aq ke bilik warden tuh bercerita kat p.a system almost everyday..n setiap petang jugakla die akan datang for my storytelling session tuh.miss raha,miss raha...die belikan aq 1kg mango,time tuh puan saidah (pkhem) ada sekali,n dia mintak la sebijik 2 then miss raha kata,"i buy this for her,nvrmind..i'll buy u sum other time,ok?!"aq pon sengih je la kt puan saidah.....
i love miss raha,she always pursue me to do things that i am not confident to do.she gave me confident and convince me that i am more than i think i am.for instance,she sign me up for the international english language league held by university of new south wales,australia (UNSW) n i end up at no.64 (which i think is great coz its international).n 1 thing that i cannot forget is harry potter.yes people,HARRY POTTER. she have this complete collection of harry porter and she keep on asking me to read it.at that time i was like,'i dont like harry porter'.so i refuse the harry potter collection and i take her Chicken Soup for The Soul books. she let me borrow her books,n even let me take it home during school holiday. i remember that book;Chicken Soup for The Teenage Soul.she gave it for me to read during holiday and she stay at school until night to gave the book to me and send me to the bus station.sape tak terharu orang layan baik camtuh..haish,then balik umah je aq tros bace that book until page 159 ade satu post-it note tulis happy hols n ade la lg yg die tulis..best sgt2 time tuh n aq simpan note tuh smpai now..nseb baek la aq bca,kalo aq x bca kompem x jmpa note tu n kalo pulang blk buku tuh with the not mesti kantoi yang aq x baca..hee,.
aq lama da tak jumpa dia,even time last day aq kat skola tu dulu pon aq x inform dia pon aq nak pindah..aq xleh..kawan aq bgtaw yang after aq pindah tu dia datang bawak nasi kat aq time rehat,n tanya aq pegi mana.dia tkejut gila..aq da pindah pon dia still bawak nasi kat aq..haish,then ptg tuh dia call aq,sedih gila rasa..n that was the last time i spoke to her..rsa neves lak nk call dia ni...tp xpa,da call nt aq tulis pa creta..
signing off..
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
can i face the day?
can i? can i?
can i stand still dat day?
can i talk?can i walk?
can i speak?can i laugh or shout?
am i able to?
can i run away from dat day?
can i skip forward?or can dat day not exist?
or can i be sumwhere,where dat day not exist?
can i act like there's nothing happen dat day?
can i just let it go down the drain?
can i? can i?
can i pretend that i don't know that
i can't?
can i? can i?
can i stand still dat day?
can i talk?can i walk?
can i speak?can i laugh or shout?
am i able to?
can i run away from dat day?
can i skip forward?or can dat day not exist?
or can i be sumwhere,where dat day not exist?
can i act like there's nothing happen dat day?
can i just let it go down the drain?
can i? can i?
can i pretend that i don't know that
i can't?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
its all coming back to me
Nak mengeluh sekuat ati kt cni!!!
Knape ek??i do believe that I am a good listener to anyone but …I cant find one for my own..i mean, ade je yg sudi dgr but I don’t feel comfortable talking with them..kalo ckp pon just on phone,I cannot face them,face to face..tp lepas “terkena” pukulan ayat pedih aritu I am sooooo menahan diri dari bercerita dgn sesapa pon…unless I cannot hold it any longer..SERIK! sebab never thought that a person that you can rely on n u share everything with is actually..i don’t know how to describe it,bored and sick of you…maybe??n im like….WHAAAAATT???the moment I heard the word out of this persons mouth I feel like the sky is falling on my head and I am red allover my face..n ofcourse,tears rolling down my face..n that is in front of that person itself..but,I didn’t think that person noticed it..i feel like I’ve been betrayed,.knape??knape???kalo da tanak dgr juz ckp u had enuff!!dont hear all me blabbering then say things like that n perli2..tak baik taw!!is there really no one in this world to trust??hmm,i wonder…aq rse its better like before,where I just keep all things to my self until im sick inside n out…….
Nak mengeluh sekuat ati kt cni!!!
Knape ek??i do believe that I am a good listener to anyone but …I cant find one for my own..i mean, ade je yg sudi dgr but I don’t feel comfortable talking with them..kalo ckp pon just on phone,I cannot face them,face to face..tp lepas “terkena” pukulan ayat pedih aritu I am sooooo menahan diri dari bercerita dgn sesapa pon…unless I cannot hold it any longer..SERIK! sebab never thought that a person that you can rely on n u share everything with is actually..i don’t know how to describe it,bored and sick of you…maybe??n im like….WHAAAAATT???the moment I heard the word out of this persons mouth I feel like the sky is falling on my head and I am red allover my face..n ofcourse,tears rolling down my face..n that is in front of that person itself..but,I didn’t think that person noticed it..i feel like I’ve been betrayed,.knape??knape???kalo da tanak dgr juz ckp u had enuff!!dont hear all me blabbering then say things like that n perli2..tak baik taw!!is there really no one in this world to trust??hmm,i wonder…aq rse its better like before,where I just keep all things to my self until im sick inside n out…….
Saturday, August 21, 2010
my tarot reading
i do a tarot reading today...and the result is quite....ME!i u dont believe it,have a peek below::
(yg nih susah sket nak percaya...)
apa pun,ni skadar sukasuka je..sgala persamaan adalah kebetulan..lgpun tak elok prcaya tarot card ke,tilik nasib ke,sbab suma benda berlaku dg izin ALLAH S.W.T...kun fayakun..
The Emperor (i)
"This card indicates that your origin was affected by situations in which you had to face a grown-up who had great power, and turned out to be an obstinate, extremely rigorous and stubborn adversary, who had no ideals or clear values to achieve his objectives. It also indicates situations where there was loss of power and material goods"(nih cite pasal bapak aq...)
This card shows a thorough and sudden change in your environment as a result of a situation that comes to an end, which brings about a complete transformation of the environment you live in.
(ni lak,mmg la nk transform kan...dr cmpus ke kerja kt ofis n after dis,blk kg tanam jgung...)
The Chariot
This card represents maturity; it says that you have fallen, then you have joined up and now you are going through a stage in which you know your limitations; therefore, now you can identify your deficiencies, your errors, and your reality. You have arrived at the end of a stage, in which the most important thing is the one in charge of it, which is you, and you are the one who leads the objectives of your life, you can do it because you are already mature and prepared.
The Justice
(dis one is the one that i strongly believe...)This is a period in which you'll be a source of balance among your friends; don't disregard this function even though you don't have enough time. You'll be able to give advice to many people that need you today; devote yourself to it. It is of prime importance that you are fair when fulfilling your commitments; it doesn’t matter the economic possibilities. Bear in mind that taking a mid position is always right .
apa pun,ni skadar sukasuka je..sgala persamaan adalah kebetulan..lgpun tak elok prcaya tarot card ke,tilik nasib ke,sbab suma benda berlaku dg izin ALLAH S.W.T...kun fayakun..
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Man in suit!
Hari ni mamat tuh datang lagi…in black suit,OK!!ahhh….da la hensem…haish,
I love seeing man in suit……nseb baek xde man in suit dlm ofis nih…haish,
So guys,don’t wear suit and walk in front of me,k…nanti tak pasal2 kne terkam ngan aq!hahaha
I love seeing man in suit……nseb baek xde man in suit dlm ofis nih…haish,
So guys,don’t wear suit and walk in front of me,k…nanti tak pasal2 kne terkam ngan aq!hahaha
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Aq ada iza n aszuwa
Ada fyaezah,dila,yen…
Then,siti n munirah,n jas
Lpas tuh ris,nisa’ n suri
Dtg lak rose n farahin..
Pastuh fizah,mizah,shaima,yanie
Followed by nawwarah,fiqah,iylia,ikkey,
Then jue,n syaz,
Balik semula dila..
Tambah erah ngn nazira
Pastu tambah nyah,ain,akak n kila
Then tinggal dila,akak,n kila…
After dat aq jmpa zura,mas n nini
Tp,pastu tgl zura n nini
Xlama pastuh just ada nini
Then ada nini n aya
Not for long,tinggal nini ja
Then there’s nini n sri
For now….i have them,
As my royal bitchess…
My sygness….
My gurlfren…
Aq ada iza n aszuwa
Ada fyaezah,dila,yen…
Then,siti n munirah,n jas
Lpas tuh ris,nisa’ n suri
Dtg lak rose n farahin..
Pastuh fizah,mizah,shaima,yanie
Followed by nawwarah,fiqah,iylia,ikkey,
Then jue,n syaz,
Balik semula dila..
Tambah erah ngn nazira
Pastu tambah nyah,ain,akak n kila
Then tinggal dila,akak,n kila…
After dat aq jmpa zura,mas n nini
Tp,pastu tgl zura n nini
Xlama pastuh just ada nini
Then ada nini n aya
Not for long,tinggal nini ja
Then there’s nini n sri
For now….i have them,
As my royal bitchess…
My sygness….
My gurlfren…
putus cinta
Putus cinta…
Sakit,dowh!!even not physically but sakit di dalam lebih bisa..and it can be fatal also..hmm,kita akn slalu rasa sakit bila bercinta..sakit hati bila jeles,sakit kepala pikirkan si dia,sakit mata kalo tengok dia dgn or lain,pendek kata sakit suma la..btol tak,pendek??nak cakap bebyk psl cinta nih aq takla pandai,coz experience aq cuma sekali..but it do teach me how to love n to be love...thanks la to all my peeps yg slalu ask for advice from me about their relationship,n sorry jugak coz aq nih bukan pandai sgt pon bab2 nih,just based on my experience n a lil’ bit of ujikaji keatas behaviour manusia di sekeliling aq...hmm,back to putus cinta td..ada byk kes yg boleh membawa kpd putusnya percintaan tu,saperti::
Sakit,dowh!!even not physically but sakit di dalam lebih bisa..and it can be fatal also..hmm,kita akn slalu rasa sakit bila bercinta..sakit hati bila jeles,sakit kepala pikirkan si dia,sakit mata kalo tengok dia dgn or lain,pendek kata sakit suma la..btol tak,pendek??nak cakap bebyk psl cinta nih aq takla pandai,coz experience aq cuma sekali..but it do teach me how to love n to be love...thanks la to all my peeps yg slalu ask for advice from me about their relationship,n sorry jugak coz aq nih bukan pandai sgt pon bab2 nih,just based on my experience n a lil’ bit of ujikaji keatas behaviour manusia di sekeliling aq...hmm,back to putus cinta td..ada byk kes yg boleh membawa kpd putusnya percintaan tu,saperti::
- • Bosan or org kedah kata cemuih
- • Curang,curang and curang
- • Girlfren kna paksa kawin ngan pilihan makpak
- • Tamak coz dgn suma nak,atlast sorg pn xlekat
" when i fall in love,it will be forever......."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
min3 ~tribute to sri
nih aq jwb post ang wey...
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables {nih msti tringat part time pizza ngan fana}
Left a small town and never looked back {agak kecik la yan kat kedah tuh..}
I was a flight risk, afraid of fallin’ {ang mang takot gayat}
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts {tak never sgt la,dgn sorg pon leh last byk2 kali kot}
I say, “Can you believe it?”
As we’re lyin’ on the couch {slalu aq la yg baring on the couch tuh,}
The moment, I can see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now
Do you remember, we were sittin’ there, by the water? {mengkuang damm}
You put your arm around me for the fist time {blakang kdai runcit,kat lorong gelap}
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Flash forward, and we’re takin’ on the world together
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place {drawer aya!hahahaha}
You learn my secrets and figure out why I’m guarded {secret..secret...secret...~wink!}
You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes
But we got bills to pay {bil ayaq umah kak enon yg tertunggak arituh}
We got nothin’ figured out
When it was hard to take {kes mesin basuh}
Yes, yes
This is what I thought about
And I remember that fight, two-thirty AM {gadoh ngn makcik bwh umah lepas mnari nobody}
You said everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street {lari nyorok dpn toilet,ngendap kt tingkap}
Braced myself for the goodbye
Cause that’s all I’ve ever known
Then, you took me by surprise
You said, “I’ll never leave you alone”
You said, “I remember how we felt, sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine”
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Do you believe it?
We’re gonna make it now
And I can see it
I can see it now
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables {nih msti tringat part time pizza ngan fana}
Left a small town and never looked back {agak kecik la yan kat kedah tuh..}
I was a flight risk, afraid of fallin’ {ang mang takot gayat}
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts {tak never sgt la,dgn sorg pon leh last byk2 kali kot}
I say, “Can you believe it?”
As we’re lyin’ on the couch {slalu aq la yg baring on the couch tuh,}
The moment, I can see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now
Do you remember, we were sittin’ there, by the water? {mengkuang damm}
You put your arm around me for the fist time {blakang kdai runcit,kat lorong gelap}
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Flash forward, and we’re takin’ on the world together
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place {drawer aya!hahahaha}
You learn my secrets and figure out why I’m guarded {secret..secret...secret...~wink!}
You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes
But we got bills to pay {bil ayaq umah kak enon yg tertunggak arituh}
We got nothin’ figured out
When it was hard to take {kes mesin basuh}
Yes, yes
This is what I thought about
And I remember that fight, two-thirty AM {gadoh ngn makcik bwh umah lepas mnari nobody}
You said everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street {lari nyorok dpn toilet,ngendap kt tingkap}
Braced myself for the goodbye
Cause that’s all I’ve ever known
Then, you took me by surprise
You said, “I’ll never leave you alone”
You said, “I remember how we felt, sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine”
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Do you believe it?
We’re gonna make it now
And I can see it
I can see it now
Frankly speaking,I lie..yup,I lie. Everybody lied in their life, lied about all sorts of thing. Tipu la kalo sumone tuh ckp dia tak pnah bohong..as for me,I lie about many things also..n sumtimes Im telling lies coz I need to,or lying to save my ass,or sumbody’s ass..im not writing this to reveal all d lies dat I tell coz it will be a neverending list..so, to all who read this,n whom I may have lied and my lie have gotten them in so much trouble,
Huhhh..wow,dat’s a relief!!n no matter what u wanna call me after this..liar,pretender,penipu,pembohong,or wutsoever Please do believe that I would never ever ever forever lie on and about these things;my religion,love,and friendship…
Huhhh..wow,dat’s a relief!!n no matter what u wanna call me after this..liar,pretender,penipu,pembohong,or wutsoever Please do believe that I would never ever ever forever lie on and about these things;my religion,love,and friendship…
Monday, August 16, 2010
berbuka oh berbuka...
berbuka ape ye ari ni??
smalam makan mee kari kat mid valley...mmg TERRRRBAEK r!
tapi akibat dari ituh,pepagi hari lg aq da lapo...
susah la nk cari mkn kt cni...
bazar pon jaoh dr rumah...dkt ngan ofis ni pon xd bazar...hampeh,
da la smpai umah lambat...nk msk cam x sempat je...n x berbaloi r nk msk...bli lagi jimat...
hmm,ari ni 1st day kakak aq keje kat ofis yg same ngan aq...haha
nseb baek len tingkat..tapi dia 1 tmpat ngn nonoi,hahaha..lawak,lawakkk...
xpe..snang sket kot..kalo xde dwet leh paw die je...
tp.......slalunye aq yg kne paw..
hampeh skali lagi...
smalam makan mee kari kat mid valley...mmg TERRRRBAEK r!
tapi akibat dari ituh,pepagi hari lg aq da lapo...
susah la nk cari mkn kt cni...
bazar pon jaoh dr rumah...dkt ngan ofis ni pon xd bazar...hampeh,
da la smpai umah lambat...nk msk cam x sempat je...n x berbaloi r nk msk...bli lagi jimat...
hmm,ari ni 1st day kakak aq keje kat ofis yg same ngan aq...haha
nseb baek len tingkat..tapi dia 1 tmpat ngn nonoi,hahaha..lawak,lawakkk...
xpe..snang sket kot..kalo xde dwet leh paw die je...
tp.......slalunye aq yg kne paw..
hampeh skali lagi...
aq tgh belek2 gamba betty boop ni tadi n ni kesimpulan yang aq dpt wat...hehehe
SRI @ seducer
FANA @ demurish

NONOI @ miss keep-it-to-myself
ANUM @ the artist
AYA @ the byotch
last but not least....
ni la background desktop aq ari nih!!betty boop yang gengster.hahaha...chumilz!ade macam aq tak???
knape aq yang slalu kena tunggu orang lama2?kalo stakat 5-10 minit tuh xpa,xkesah..ni sampai berjam2!!bosan la menunggu...aq memulakan kerjaya tunggu orang ni sekitar tahun 2002 yang mana aq kena berulang alik naek bas ekspres dr ayer tawar-johor-ayer tawar.tiap kali nk g johor bus mesti smpai lmbat..tp paling lewat pn kne tunggu 1 jam je la...then kalo dr johor mak balik kampong lak laen plak citer..bkn bas yang aq kne tinggu tapi menunggu ketibaan yang dipertuan besar bapak aq datang amek kt stesen bas..dalam situasi nih aq lebih rela tgu bas yang lewat 1jam tuh..just imagine,naek bas je da 9 jam..tron bas dalam kol 5.30,then kne tunggu lagi sampai kol 10 pagi..mau kebas bontot aq..tiap kali balik kampong pun camtuh,at least 1 jam la aq kne tunggu bru leh sampai ke umah..haish~~
bile tukar skolah plak aq kne tunggu kawan aq yang sorang ni plak..name die dila..ye la,mesti la kne tunggu die sbab kitorang slalu ade klas tambahan ptang2 or ari minggu..tunggu je la die datang amek aq kat umah sbab xde transport laen nak pegi..xpe la tunggu pon,adab menumpang..then bila sampai die akan bagi moto kat aq suh aq bawak,”nah bawak aq,hehe..biase la adab menumpang..”ayat nih da jadi trademark kami la..tapi even aq kne tunggu dia nip on x kesah,sbab journey kami ke skolah dgn naek moto tuh sangatlah sengal..mcm2 jd,biase r…minah wempit!!ahahaha..HAISH!
masuk plak uitm..start ujung2 part one kami sebilik iaitu (gila ayat BM) aq,mas,nonoi n zura slalu la lpak ngan teruna2 pingitan nih iaitu acap,syed n epul..kengkadang ada nasa jugak..n port lepak time tuh fudkot uitm blakang bAIduri tu je la..bilik kami kat tingkat 8,n berhadapan lak ngan fudkot tuh so everytime diorang lalu n nak panggil kitorang, acap akan jerit daru bawah dengan bunyi ‘wuwwuhh’.camtu la lebih kurang eja die,aq pn tak taw nk eja camne..so,sampai la part 2 n 3,even kitorang da x dok dalam pun tapi kalo nk klua minum kitorg akn cakap,”jom pegi wuwwuhh”..location nak wuwwuhh pun da tukar kpd abc corner.slalu kalo nk g abc biasenye aq n acap n syed n nini je la..epul kurg sket nk lepak abc ni..n biase kalo nonoi klua ngn epul n syed balik kulim,aq akn g abc ngn acap..hah,ni la nak cita nih kalo janji nk g abc ngan acap better la korang biar die dlu yang sampai kat abc corner tuh..aq punya la hangin ada 1 hari tuh.da la die yang ajak aq lepak then aw yang kne tgu die sampai 2 jam baru la die sampai...aq bara je tgk die,naseb bek kwn aq kalo x aq plangkung dahh..bukan skali,bukan 2 kali,tapi berkali2 la aq dok kat abc tuh tgu acap sama ada secara solo mahupun berkumpulan..dear acap; lepas ni kalo nak wuwwuhh kat abc lagi make sure la ang sampai sana dlu bru contact kami taw,kalo dak bjanggut laa kami tunggu ang kat ctu...HAISH!
arituh kami sangat excited la nk pegi sunway lagoon beramai2,n excited jugak sbab acap snggup turun dari Melaka atas ugutan aq..punya la aq excited nak kumpul ramai2 nih sampai aq sanggup pegi account department mintak sain smpai 2 kali sbab bli tiket..in d end,aq jugak yang kne bayar harga tiket penuh..xpa la,kengkawan punya pasal,excited pnya pasal kan..haha,nway..pagi tuh acap pukul 7.30 da kejut ktorang suh bangun n dlm pkul 9.30 tuh,ktorg da otw g sunway da..sampai sunway awal la jgk..but syed pny date n her sista x sampai lagi..xkan nak masuk dulu kot..xpa la,tgu la dlu..ktorang round2 sunway pyramid tuh,g tgk org ice-skating..then tgk orang..tunggu lagi..tunggu lagi…aq da wat muka..nonoi wat muka..acap wat muka..n FINALLY,AT LAST..pkul 3lebih kot,bru diorang sampai..by the time,aq n nonoi mmg xda mood gila la nk men..nonoi sgt piss-off n apatah lagi aq..xpa la,xkn nk piss-off lama2..org g nk njoy kn..so,aq pon menyabarkanlah hati ini..HAISH!
then skarang nih pulak,dengan abang aq..dia nih agak mementingkan kawan2 jugak,cam aq..n dia gak SANGAT mementingkan awek dia sampai neglect adek bradik kengkadang..penen aq!da brape kali da janji nak balik kampong skali ngan dia..aq suh la dia amek aq kt tmpat keja tros kan..bukan slalu sbab sbelom nih aq bsusah payah nek tren yg sesak tuh pg tempat dia..punya la aq tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu dia x dtg2..aq call dia kata jam..aq pn tny la jam ktna..dia kata subang.bila dia kata subang tuh aq dah boleh bau ikan dah sebab awek dia dok kat subang...xpa la,aq amek la tren pegi subang..at least dekat la sket dia nak amek aq kan..then sampai stesen lrt subang aq pn tunggu la lag1..tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu dia x timbul2 juga..haish,geram da ni..aq cl lagi dia kata stuck dlm jam lg ni..aq dad r da suara awek dia kt sbelah..aq pn bsg r,ckp je la nk g amek awek dlu..ni jam la pe la..duhh,n aq pn sbagai adik mengalah la…ok la,aq g lepak kt carefour kt dpn stesen tuh..pusing2,try2 baju,round kat tempat cookies dia ja da 3 kali..pastu g try baju lagi..then dia cl tnya aq ktna,aq ckp la aq kat dlm carefour n dia kata tunggu la kat dpan sket lagi dia sampai..aq pn bukak baju yang aq try,pegi kat tempat cookies bli biskut carefour yang sdap tuh,nips(wajib ad dlm keta time balik kg,OK)n juice peelfresh n tgu la dia kat dpn carefour tuh..tunggu lagi..tunggu lagi..1jam30min berikutnya baru la sampai..itu pon sb aq cl kata ada nigga dok ikot,kalo tak,maul g lama aq tunggu kat citu..HAISH!!
benci r tunggu lama2..memang la ad ja org yg kena tunggu aq or slalu tunggu aq tapi aq rasa la x penah plak sampai berjam2..(except syed;kes xda bas g ampang point..sori babe!)..hmm,lpas nih sapa la plak yg aq kna tunggu berjam2??HAISH!!
benci r tunggu lama2..memang la ad ja org yg kena tunggu aq or slalu tunggu aq tapi aq rasa la x penah plak sampai berjam2..(except syed;kes xda bas g ampang point..sori babe!)..hmm,lpas nih sapa la plak yg aq kna tunggu berjam2??HAISH!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Benda2 yg buat aq ingat kt mak
Benda2 yg buat aq ingat kt mak:
• Duit jpa- coz dia tak sempat merasa duit tuh,so aq lbih suka spend duit jpa tu dr aq simpan,
• Baju kurung kaler krim corak2 kaler gold – minggu last aq balik umah bju tuh bru siap,n die kate “cantik,nt leh pinjam!kite kn same size je..hehe” but x sempat,
• Hibka anti perspirant- time tuh ktorang tengah siap2 nk pg umah orang kawin,then dia pkai ni sambil cakap,”ish,da tak bekesan la mende nih.pkai banyak pn still rase ketiak bau jugak.knape ek?”
• DVD citer Sam-soon- aq tgah layan citer nih sampai pkul 4.30,dalam pkul 4.15 camtuh die msk bilik,geleng2 pale n suh aq tido,(then pkul 7.00 dia kne strok tuh)
• Acuan untuk bubur anak lebah – 1 hari sbelum sakit tuh dia dok tepi umah dengan adik aq n makcik lah,gelak2 sakan sambil buat acu ni (fyi,bubur anak lebah tuh org slalu buat time kenduri arwah,so makcik lah yg mintak tlg mak aq buat acu nih xleh terima sgt2.hari ke3 mak meninggal makcik lah buat bubur tuh pkai acu yang mak buat..)
• Kek – hari sebelum die sakit,aq buat kek biase,tpung,telur,marjerin gula n asen vanilla..tak pukul pkai mixer pun sbab aq malas nk kluakn,pkai tgn je..mak kate pkai tgn lg sdap.bkar pn ats dapur..msk je mak tros angkat n mkn panas2..byk die mkn,then bila abes dia kate,xpe..esok wat lagi..pon,x sempat..
• Blender – kmi pegi bli blender tuh after jual asam keeping!ahaha,then aq wat crack sbab wat ice blended!then mak plak wat jth,pecah tros…hahaha
• Nasi lemak – xleh lupa pnya,bkn stakat aq,tapi jugak org kampong n pakcik dr Sungai Besi yg dtg tetiap mgu sb nk bli nasi lemak mak je..
N the list goes on and on….dah la tu,da mcm ujan dah aq yg menulis ni,
• Duit jpa- coz dia tak sempat merasa duit tuh,so aq lbih suka spend duit jpa tu dr aq simpan,
• Baju kurung kaler krim corak2 kaler gold – minggu last aq balik umah bju tuh bru siap,n die kate “cantik,nt leh pinjam!kite kn same size je..hehe” but x sempat,
• Hibka anti perspirant- time tuh ktorang tengah siap2 nk pg umah orang kawin,then dia pkai ni sambil cakap,”ish,da tak bekesan la mende nih.pkai banyak pn still rase ketiak bau jugak.knape ek?”
• DVD citer Sam-soon- aq tgah layan citer nih sampai pkul 4.30,dalam pkul 4.15 camtuh die msk bilik,geleng2 pale n suh aq tido,(then pkul 7.00 dia kne strok tuh)
• Acuan untuk bubur anak lebah – 1 hari sbelum sakit tuh dia dok tepi umah dengan adik aq n makcik lah,gelak2 sakan sambil buat acu ni (fyi,bubur anak lebah tuh org slalu buat time kenduri arwah,so makcik lah yg mintak tlg mak aq buat acu nih xleh terima sgt2.hari ke3 mak meninggal makcik lah buat bubur tuh pkai acu yang mak buat..)
• Kek – hari sebelum die sakit,aq buat kek biase,tpung,telur,marjerin gula n asen vanilla..tak pukul pkai mixer pun sbab aq malas nk kluakn,pkai tgn je..mak kate pkai tgn lg sdap.bkar pn ats dapur..msk je mak tros angkat n mkn panas2..byk die mkn,then bila abes dia kate,xpe..esok wat lagi..pon,x sempat..
• Blender – kmi pegi bli blender tuh after jual asam keeping!ahaha,then aq wat crack sbab wat ice blended!then mak plak wat jth,pecah tros…hahaha
• Nasi lemak – xleh lupa pnya,bkn stakat aq,tapi jugak org kampong n pakcik dr Sungai Besi yg dtg tetiap mgu sb nk bli nasi lemak mak je..
N the list goes on and on….dah la tu,da mcm ujan dah aq yg menulis ni,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
~but he nvr noticed..
Psstt...nk gtaw sket nih,
Aq ad la minat 1 guy ni,
~but he nvr noticed..
I called him now n then,
Checking out how’s his life being
~but he nvr noticed..
Sumtimes we crack jokes,
N talking on d phone for hours,
~but he nvr noticed..
I like him slightly more then friends,
I think of him everyday,
~but he nvr noticed..
I console him when he have problems,
I am sad when he’s sick or unhappy,
~but he nvr noticed..
He always tell me stories dat make him happy,
But the stories do breaks me inside,
N I cried at his back,
~but he nvr noticed..
kengkadang jeles tengok die sembang
or text dgn pompuan lain,
~but he nvr noticed..
Sumtimes I do things dat my heart tell me not to do
Just to make sure that he hasn’t notice that I like him,
~and yet he nvr noticed..
Dear God,
Please let him not notice it forever
As I am done with this forever
Just make sure he don’t know I write this forever
Make sure he don’t know its about him forever
Coz im not gonna be here forever
Just stay as admirer forever
Secret admirer forever...
Aq ad la minat 1 guy ni,
~but he nvr noticed..
I called him now n then,
Checking out how’s his life being
~but he nvr noticed..
Sumtimes we crack jokes,
N talking on d phone for hours,
~but he nvr noticed..
I like him slightly more then friends,
I think of him everyday,
~but he nvr noticed..
I console him when he have problems,
I am sad when he’s sick or unhappy,
~but he nvr noticed..
He always tell me stories dat make him happy,
But the stories do breaks me inside,
N I cried at his back,
~but he nvr noticed..
kengkadang jeles tengok die sembang
or text dgn pompuan lain,
~but he nvr noticed..
Sumtimes I do things dat my heart tell me not to do
Just to make sure that he hasn’t notice that I like him,
~and yet he nvr noticed..
Dear God,
Please let him not notice it forever
As I am done with this forever
Just make sure he don’t know I write this forever
Make sure he don’t know its about him forever
Coz im not gonna be here forever
Just stay as admirer forever
Secret admirer forever...
My friends always told me that I think like a boy sumtimes,or in other words that he’s referring to me;I can SWITCH! Maybe dats why I can hang out with them in the mall n checking out gurls dat pass by..haha,miss dat moment.i can also be gurly at some other time.i remember there was one time at autocity where I get so fond of ribbon clips n he’s just stary loathefully at me n say,”iee,nape chit da makin feminine skang ni??”
…….and I just quickly put down the ribbon and march as far as I could from it,………….
It’s cool to mingle around with boys n know things that they talked about without any other girls knowing..but to be honest,u can never figure out what’s actually in their mind,or what actually their thoughts about you..n trust me,sumtimes their thoughts can be SCARY… but,ahh..screw all that!i don’t care of whautever they wanna think about me. One thing that I know is im enjoying my moments with them..
Its not that im ashamed to be feminine or what,in fact I do wear dresses and make-up and all..but I think femininity is just not me,at least for the moment..n for the time being,please jz except me for who I am..there was certain times that I feel like my friends didn’t even noticed that I was a girl n treat me like their guy-friend.i don’t mind that but sometimes it gets too much until I burst out with the ‘helloo,im still a gurl!’ phrase..yes,im still a gurl,people! im like the tough broad since I was a kid..i am the bully,n I like to bully the boys,hahaha!
But trust me on this,I am a girl. I just don’t get used to be treated as one...yet!
…….and I just quickly put down the ribbon and march as far as I could from it,………….
It’s cool to mingle around with boys n know things that they talked about without any other girls knowing..but to be honest,u can never figure out what’s actually in their mind,or what actually their thoughts about you..n trust me,sumtimes their thoughts can be SCARY… but,ahh..screw all that!i don’t care of whautever they wanna think about me. One thing that I know is im enjoying my moments with them..
Its not that im ashamed to be feminine or what,in fact I do wear dresses and make-up and all..but I think femininity is just not me,at least for the moment..n for the time being,please jz except me for who I am..there was certain times that I feel like my friends didn’t even noticed that I was a girl n treat me like their guy-friend.i don’t mind that but sometimes it gets too much until I burst out with the ‘helloo,im still a gurl!’ phrase..yes,im still a gurl,people! im like the tough broad since I was a kid..i am the bully,n I like to bully the boys,hahaha!
But trust me on this,I am a girl. I just don’t get used to be treated as one...yet!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
if u go away
reminiscing the good ol'days with d loved ones....
If you go away, On this summer's day
Then you might as well, Take the sun away
All the birds that flew, In the summer sky
When our love was new, And our hearts were high
And the day was young, And the nights were long
And the moon stood still, For the night bird's song
If you go away
If you go away
If you go away...
But if you stay I'll make you a day
Like no day has been Or will be again
We'll sail on the sun We'll ride on the rain
And talk to the trees And worship the wind
But if you go I'll understand
Leave me just enough love To fill up my hand
If you go away...
If you go away As I know you will
You must tell the world To stop turning
'til you return again If you ever do
For what good is love Without loving you?
Can I tell you now As you turn to go
I'll be dying slowly 'til the next hello
If you go away...
But if you stay I'll make you a night
Like no night has been Or will be again
I'll sail on your smile I'll ride on your touch
I'll talk to your eyes That I love so much
But if you go I won't cry
Though the good is gone From the word goodbye
If you go away...
If you go away As I know you must
There is nothing left In this world to trust
Just an empty room Full of empty space
Like the empty look I see on your face
And I'd been the shadow Of your shadow
If you might have kept me
By your side
If you go away...
may u guys rest in peace...Al-Fatihah,
mumble rumble..
nothing to do....juz mumbling by myself,n this is d rzlt!
if I bore u,im so sorry
I never meant to do that,really
I am just telling u story
Dat I cant keep to myself already
The pressure I cant take no more
The fire within cant be put out with snow
The rage and anger in my face it show
And day by day greater it grow
My mental is physically abuse
I hid my body with self amuse
I didn’t have no option to choose
If I scream it out the hell break lose
N deep inside myself I suffer
With reels of tape of life that buffer
No one can cope
I only hope
A savior will ride me off the hook
2 years of tears;and im not yet sober....
last sunday is 3 hari before puasa,n last sunday jugak genap 2 tahun my mum left..sedih,but life must go on..evrything has change,aq da xrase nk nanges da time ziarah kubur,(but sebak tuh ada la...)but the most annoying thing pn happened on that particular sunday as well..on dat sacred day my dad telah pergi menetapkn tarikh perkahwinannya dgn sorg pompuan yg even aq tak pnah jumpa..huh,WORD!!lantaklah,if dia rase dgn kawin tuh leh meringankan beban dia,xpela...aq jz go wif d flow...tp,kalo aq dgr adek2 aq ckp pompuan tuh nk jd cam fairytale pny stepmom,siap arr....die lom tau lagi aq n kakak aq camane,stepsister cinderella pn kalah taw!!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
baby (versi akuh)
tetibe trase nk menjawab lgu justin bieber nih,rase cambest lak...
u know i love u, i know u care
at times i need u, u sure be there
u r my friend, u r my pal
u're the one who really knows me very well
i really love u, boy im not playing
we're best friend, no one's denying
no,no i never thought of u as my man
n i never thought im d one dat'll make u heart broken
n i was like
baby, baby, baby ohh
like baby, baby, baby noo
like baby, baby, baby noo
let us just stay the way we are,are
hehe,amacam??tp sampai takat nih je la...nt smbungannye,aq pkir kn laen ye...
pelik gila...kt tgh bandar nih tak penah aq terpikir pon ade binatang2 (i mean THE REAL binatang) yg berkeliaran..lawak gile rase pagi tadi ad staf tuh datang keje siap kecoh2 suruh tutup tingkap toilet coz ofis tingkat bawah ade monyet masuk..aq gelak je la coz i think its ridiculous la ade monyet,..but then mmg betol ade coz ramai yg nmpak.haish,sesat kot...sian monyet tuh,aq rase die nk pegi jumpe kawan die si BERUK kot,tuh yang masuk kt asian overland nih tu,hahahahahaha..................
kegilaan jarak jauh!
hmm...dulu time duduk dekat2 with each other rasa bosan lak berckp..skarang bile da jauh with each other,suma benda pun rasa nak cita n thanks kpd kemajuan teknologi,facebook la arena untok melepaskn apa yg terpendam di qolbu,untuk di share bersama rakan2...haha,kengkadang sampai merapu meraban..copp,bkn kengkadang but most of d time..itu la kegilaan jarak jauh,walau jauh tetap gila di dpn komputer...n aq tau kalo dekat,maken menjadi2 la kegilaan tuh..tp syok,oo!!!layan gila nih leh lepas tension..dalam gurau2 tuh ad gak selitan nasihat,consolation, n even kata2 smangat (n also kata2 yg men-downkn jgk sumtimes) but itu la yg membuat kn kita igt...leh kata hari2 ad ja yg gila kat facebook,(including me,haha) n dis will continue until la abes prctikal nih,or will it be forever.....??????
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