Thursday, December 29, 2011

What's Wrong With Me

Lately, my thoughts have gone mixed up. LITERALLY. I always lost in my own world,day dreaming alot and sometimes at time i was focusing on something (like work) suddenly i drift away far from the subject. I'm a little bit freaked out myself and I have no idea what's happening to me actually. I even think that my intelligence level have decrease a bit (hopefully not) to the point that I feel embarrassed reading essays that i wrote when i was still in high-school. My vocab are also not expanding a lot. I sometimes stutter or slur on words when I talk too. Its whether the jelly-like tissue that gluing my braincells together have lost a bit of their elasticity or I'm hibernating my learning button or I'm just not absorbing knowledge anymore or there really is something wrong with my brains..

Just hoping that I'm not shutting down...


Monday, December 26, 2011

'Twas The Day After Xmas~

'Twas The Day After Xmas

like this post, it's empty.


Saturday, December 24, 2011


"eh,dik!bila potong rambut?cam comey plak akak tengok.."

"eh,u oso beautiful what?see, yo face is full one, so cute!" (cubit-cubit,tepuk-tepuk)

"u very pretty today.."



Allah is The Greatest..

Dah seminggu aq plan untuk buat dosa this weekend. And i've been waiting the day to come so excitedly sampai sanggup ambik emergency leave on friday sebab tak sabar sangat. Tapi when the day come aq jadi takut sikit,but still as excited as i was before. So, as planned aq pun keluar la dengan confident untuk buat dosa,kononnya it's the first and the last la..Sampai je, kat tempat yang dijanjikan, Allah punya kuasa aq kena menunggu pun tunggu la, nasib baik makanan sedap..for 1 friggin' hour aq tunggu,nampak sangat Allah tak pn fed-up tunggu and pegi layan movie cita Alvin & the Chipmunks.(by the way, cita tu tak best..what a waste of my 10bucks). then tengah tengok tu baru dia mengada-ngada datang..i am kind of piss off and biarkan je dia tunggu sampai cita habis..then lepas habis tu pulak aq yang kena pegi mencari pulak..arghhhh! so pergilah aq...and then there it was, and as if a lightning bolt struck my head and aq rasa Allah sayang gila kat aq time tu, i look at it and  i feel...NOTHING. not as how i feel before,completely nothing...i don't know why tapi Allah maha Besar, maybe there is something wrong with me or something is definitely wrong about it yang tetiba melenyapkan langsung segala apa rasa yang aq ada..until this very moment im writing,still i didnt feel anything anymore about it.but i am so grateful that Allah has led me into not committing and adding more sin and i feel so blessed right now..
Alhamdulillah..Thank You Ya Allah!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


everything was far from usual
the glistening glare from the moving car window
the stationary tree leaves on a windy day
the gloomy sunflower on the desk corner
the tainted glass door
the black screen
the silent phone


Monday, December 19, 2011

The Garbage I Become..

This i quoted from a blog called iwrotethisforyou..nice one,

Now the TV's on at 3am and you're sleeping on the couch, because you can.
Now the plate is where you left it, no one else is going to move it for you.
Now the politics of blankets are gone.
Now the people on the radio sound so far away.
Now you've got no plans when you wake up, just keep on keeping on.
Now the morning fades to light, to twilight, to night.
Now you rinse and repeat.
Now you remove the sleeve and remove the film.
Now you remove the sleeve and pierce the film several times.
Now dinner takes exactly 2:30 minutes.
Now the earth hurtles through the universe around a giant ball of fire.
Now none of your acquaintances know they're really your only friends.
Now none of your friends know they're just acquaintances.
Now you've got to get used to being alone, like when you're born, like when you die.
Now you're free.
Now you can do whatever you want.
You just have to do it alone.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Before I Met You..

before i met you,
time moves fast
days so soon last
anger unmanageable
sorrow uncontainable
words cannot be trust
mind seems began to rust
each second pass in waste
living life in such a haste
things were just things
life has little meaning

before i met you,
i never care much
i never felt touched
i always have doubts
i often wonder about
never felt that i am tough
never thought that i would be in love

but hey,
i told you,right?
that was before i met you..


Tuesday, December 13, 2011


tenet slow gila, eventhough bru topup quota..
nevertheless,something happen today that totally worth all the tiredly busy day..
ahhh,it made my day....

Friday, December 2, 2011


lame tak menulis..rasa kekok pulak nak start tulis balik..hmm,ok! tadi aq ada terbaca post kawan aq on facebook dan dia menulis pasal sorang perempuan cantik dengan nama Rara Zikry yang da meninggal..innalillahiwainnailaihirojiunn..
Tapi, sapa Rara Zikry?? 
Ok i admit memang da lama aq tak mengikuti perkembangan dunia melalui tv or surat khabar mahu pun surat layang. so, aq pun google la..and yang aq jumpa ceritanya dia koma sebabkan just a mild athma attack..then after dia sedar dari koma dia xleh gerak or cakap or kesimpulannya dia dah tak macam dia yang dulu and family dia ada plead untuk kos rawatan dia..n I was like.."Ohh..camtu"..
but then aq terfikir..kenapa kes dia sangat viral kt internet and media suma??
Aq just curious to know.....kalo die tak cantik macam tuh orang ramai ambik kisah tak??
Memang kecantikan dia tuh pemberian Allah,no doubt about that tapi as a human being aq ada perasaan ingin tahu,macam mana reaction semua orang terhadap kes dia nih..will it stll be like this??
Tapi daripada peng-google-an aq pun respond to case dia nih berbeza-beza..ramai yang simpati,tapi ada jugak sesetengah pihak yang tak tahu lah nak kata; dengki or apa-apa la yg cuba mencari semua kesalahan and keburukan dia untuk disebar kat internet,konon ank kata ape yg jadi kat dia tu sebagai pembalasan or yang sewaktu dengannya..whats the point and ape yang dorg dapat?aq pon tak tahu..
tapi bagi aq kisah dia nih tak sesedih kisah kawan aq sendiri yang aq kenal dan tengok perubahan awal dia sendiri depan mata aq..dia cute, kecil molek and sangat active dlm sports..suddenly lepas cuti sekolah dia balik semula ke asrama dengan muka membengkak ang kulit badan mengelupas..kalau duduk dekat dengan dia boleh nampak yg badan dia makin membengkak dan boleh nampak urat2 suma..then 2 bulan lepas tuh ada sorang member aq yang satu dorm dengan dia bagi tau aq yang dia ada penyakit sendi,and dia tak boleh bergerak.....and she only got to live until she's 18....ada satu malam tuh dia tak boleh bangun dari katil dia sendiri and she wet the bed..tapi dia tough,mulut sentiasa basah dengan zikir..her parents did a good job raising her as a muslimah..eventhough she's gone now - not at age 18 as said by the doctor,she's staying alive for a couple of years after - i hope and insyaAllah i pray for her for Allah to granted her(and my mom,*love u mak!)  Jannah.

Al-Fatihah to all of them..
-sooner or later i'll be joining all of you too...


Friday, April 29, 2011


arituh aq tengok satu cerita kat tv9. tajuk dia "isteriku zulaikha". best cite nih. ada satu part dalam cita nih yang aq suka bilamana satu character (aq tak ingat nama dia apa tapi lakonan zul handyblack) tuh sebut satu ayat...

"jika Allah boleh memberikan seribu cinta dengan hanya satu pandangan pertama, Dia juga mampu menarik semula nikmat cinta itu dengan sejuta kebencian. so, ape yang dimegahkan sangat dengan cinta tu??"
betul. sangat-sangat betul dan aq rasa pernah terjadi kepada aq walaupun cinta@sayang aq tuh just antara kawan tapi situasi dia sama la. kalo dulu tido sebantal, makan share sesama, kemana pon sekali, gila pon sesama tapi now bila jumpa rasa tak de pape pn nak cakap.feel pon da tak 100% dah.. sumanya sebab kesilapan-kesilapan kecil yang dilakukan berulang2 kali  sehingga terjadinya satu kesilapan besar. hmm,ntahla...

tapi aq takde la benci dia, tak sampai tahap tu lagi....and takkan sampai kot insyaAllah..........


Sunday, April 24, 2011


di sini aq ingin maklumkan bahawa aq da abes tgk 1 channel smosh iaitu IanH. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
dalam mase seminggu je sedar tak sedar aq da abes da tgk Ian Is Bored and Lunchtime w/ Smosh...ade la 100 lebih gak kot vid die...owh,and anthony padilla channel as well.. tu blom masuk vid from smosh channel lg, ..kompem pny la kene hamuk ngan bapak aq hujung bulan nanti...mesti bill letrik melambung tak hingat..haha,but what can i do?? i'm really adicted rite a hardcore smosher, and i create my twitter account just to follow them...cheesy,aite? ya, i everyone, beware if you ever want to try to watch smosh video...
don't say that i dont warn you...............



p/s :: i'm jealous of Mari.....FiretrUCK her!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

benda bodoh...

suma orang suka buat menda pon tak terkecuali. sonok apa buat menda bodo ni, walaupon sendiri tau menda yang dibuat tuh bodo tahap gaban tapi still seronok untuk dibuat. benda bodoh yang aq addicted buat skarang nih adalah tengok Smosh. Smosh nih sangatlah best bagi orang2 yang suka menda bodoh + merepek + pokemon + guinea pig + makan + poop + yada siap ROTFLOL (literally) tengok one of their earliest vid, lipsync pokemon pny theme. best ever....

kengkadang rase bodoh gak tengok orang buat mende bodoh tapi mende bodoh yang diorang buat mendatangkan $$$ buat diorang dan menghabiskan masa buat aq..whatever,


p/s anthony padilla is hawt!!!!!!!!!owh, ian is quite okay thou...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Heart Acts

this is one more piece that i wrote dated Sunday,21/12/08
i read it over and over again, 
and i think that it's good,ahaks!

This is an empty heart jots
A lot of spaces and empty spots
This is an aching heart rhyme
Will it be or not mend by time
This is an angry heart say
Will sorry put out the flame away
This is a lost heart wave
Is there a way for me that have been paved
This is a longing heart desire
with you, i am on fire
This is a desperate heart lures
Take me with you and i be yours
This is a confuse heart write
Will decision made be wrong or right
And this is the brave heart screaming
Fight for your love or die trying!


Monday, March 28, 2011


thanks to the artist, wat susah2 je lukis gambo sye ni...(padahal dok pakse org lukis...)

 thanks gak sbab bg aq picnap sketch ko yg nih...i loikke dis one,


Friday, March 25, 2011


pernah ade yahoo mail account?? kalo ade mesti korang perasan dulu dia pny sign-in box lain sket dengan yang skarang. mase 1st time aq bukak and tengok die da lain sket tuh,ada 1 benda yang aq paling notice skali; e-mail address sample die kat bawah tu.nak taw sbab pe??

itu e-mail address abang aq......
yes, tu is my bro's e-mail add..

~~and sampai skrg pon die dok bangge lg,haish................


Saturday, March 19, 2011


Aristotle called beauty "the gift of God"

Socrates called it "a short-lived tyranny"

Theophrastus, "a silent deceit"

Theocritus, "an ivory mischief"

Carneades, "a sovereignty which stood in need of no guards"
The beauty that addresses itself to the eyes is only the spell of the moment; the eye of the body is not always that of the soul."  
~George Sands~

Cantik. penting sangat ke?? for me, cantik itu subjektif dan cuma hanya pinjaman je."beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". sesetengah benda or orang yang kita anggap cantik tak semestinya cantik di mata orang lain. tapi, semua orang suka cantik. nak baju cantik, nk tengok pemandangan yang cantik, nak awek cantik, nak balak cantik (hensem), kalo boleh makan pun nak makanan yang cantik-cantik je hiasannye. kadang-kadang ade jugak sesuatu yang tak cantik tapi baik,bagus,elok, dan bernilai dari sudut yang lain. time-time camni orang akan cakap, "beauty is only skin deep".

“It is not beauty that endears, it's love that makes us see beauty”

Does perfect beauty stand in need of praise at all?
Nay; no more than law, no more than truth,
no more than loving kindness, nor than modesty. 
~ Ibid ~ 


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011


sedang aq menyelak2 buku nota untuk melayan blues menulis apa yg terbuku di otak, tetiba mata aku tertangkap sesuatu yg berwarna kunen.....

ntah bila masa hang letak sticker nama hang ni dlm buku aq ni, acap???haish...
hg sja nk bg  aq igt slalu kt ang la nih....huuu,rindu ni weyh!!!!!
sayangg,bile u nk blnje i mkn mcd sayangg??
ok,take care sayangg....
muahh muahh!

(harus diingatkan di sini bahawa "sayangg" diatas adalah bahasa  kod kami berdua..tidak boleh dikaitkan dengan sebarang kontrobesi waima apa2 gosip sekalipon..sekian harap maklom......)


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Like a cake...

u're like a cake
freshly baked
in the evening with pink coloured icing
                                                         u're like a cake
yummy cake
that i devour 
without thinking of sharing

    u're not as hard as a cookie

not  as creamy as mousse

not so hot like a souffle

u're the dessert i choose

way bigger than a cuppie      
softer than a fudge

moist and tender than any pastry

u're like a cake

perfectly made!



Life is like a labyrinth..
u just have to know which path to take
u meet the dead end
but it's okay,
back to the start and choose the right way
don't stop,
and don't cheat your way to the top
for this obstacle's an easy test u can perceive
and u may see your way out loud and clear..



Ini la 'the notebook' yang aq mention in my previous post!! haha,nampak je kecik tp lps belek2 banyak jugak bende yang aq tulis dlm nih..dgn nota biologi pn ade...hehe
sgt syg buku nih sebab dalam die ade 1 conversation yang dulu aq n kengkawan panggil YM 
sebab ktorang sembang dgn care tulis dlm buku nih pastuh passing2,biasenye time cikgu tgh mengajar tak pon time2 kne dgr ceramah ke ape ke kt skolah...
mcm2 ade..and ade page yg aq sembang dengan ain(allahyarhamah) psl cite korea la,
psl cikgu la,..bile tgk miss kt die lak..
Allahyarhamah Zaitul Farain Baharudin


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


i wrote this song last month...i love it,(duhh..) if i dont love my own art how can anyone else adore it, rite???

dont be stress
thinking of all troubles that we had
there's always been a way to handle it
don't be stuck inside with emotions
for there's thousand things can make you laugh and happy
just empty your thoughts and rest
and forget all the rest
live every seconds
make each seconds be the best

because yesterday was history
tomorrow is a mystery
so just enjoy the present that we have
yesterday has left already
tomorrow will there ever be
so cherish the moment now for eternity

because yesterday was just a past
tomorrow we can never tell
so live today just like its our last
yesterday was full of memories
tomorrow filled with our fantasies
lets make a blast in our lives today..!



Hello, hello
do u miss me so?
'cos i've been missing u so long,
so long, since the day you go
times crawling slow
as i sit right in front your door
waiting you...
i wait for you...

when u're away, the shiny day
makes me sad and blue
when u're away, don't wanna stay
take me along with you
i can't hardly say anything
when you are away
this is true,




i was going thru my stuff this morning and i found this little blue notebook that i used when i was in form 4. and then i belek-belek sket inside it and i found this piece of rhyme, (or whaTever u may call it) that i wrote...
it kinda sound catchy,haha

every seconds fly
every minutes passed by
every hour bid good bye
every days gone with a smile
every weeks fill with laughter
every months the bond gets better
every years we spend together
every moments and moments after
every time i be in blue
i know u're there for me 
and i'll be there for u...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

trimas kawan-kawan...

aku sgt 'terharu' dan 'tergaru' dgn kawan2 yang sangat 'care' dengan aq yang telah dengan sukacitanya 'menolong' aq yang tengah dalam distress se-distress2 nya. dikala waktu urgent itu aq telah meminta sesuatu dari mereka dan mereka dengan 'berbesar hati' telah 'menjawab' distress call aq itu dan 'memberikan' apa yang aq minta.

dan oleh sebab itulah dengan 'jaya' nya aq melayakkan diri untuk tidak meneruskan pengajian aq di semester depan...'KUDOS' untuk mereka yang telah 'membantu' melakar masa dpn aq...
aq sgt 'bangga' ad "kawan" cam korang.......