Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life is like a wheel..

Betul kata orang tua-tua, 

"tolonglah orang yg dalam kesusahan,satu hari nanti kalo kita yang dalam kesusahan orang akan tolong kita pulak.."

Betul. Betul sangat-sangat. Even kesusahan tu tak jadi pada diri aku sendiri, tapi jadi kat family aku..and lucky enough ade orang yang baik hati yang mampu menolong on the spot. Memang suma orang pun cuak lah mase tu.Benda ni bukan boleh buat main-main. Tapi tak kisah la sume tu, yang aq nak highlight kat sini things that happen last night memang exactly the same yang happen to my friend that i helped years ago. EXACTLY the same situation. kakak aku dah cuak lebih dah..aku pun pening dah fikir. Tapi tu lah, what goes around comes around. To be honest aku tak risau sangat pun semalam..siyes tak risau,cuma dok pening la kejap fikir.Tercungap2 jugak la berlari semalam...Syukur Allah tu Maha Mengetahui segala apa yang berlaku. Syukur Allah bukakkan hati seorang manusia ni untuk menolong kami. Semoga Allah ampunkan semua dosa dia dan tunjukkan dia jalan yang benar, luruskan dia dari kesesatan. Aku ikhlas, dia orang yang baik. So moral of the story, tak salah tolong orang. Mungkin satu hari nanti kita akan ditimpa dengan kesusahan yang sama tara, Allah akan hantar seseorang pulak untuk tolong kita.. :)


Saturday, July 14, 2012


people tend to forget or they just simply don't's hard to find people who would really truly listen to you. they like to tell stories, and i like listening to it, but when it comes my turn, i feel like they don't give a damn.. they do listen, but i can see the insincerity in their face and the fake smile in the end of my stories when they saw me look at them for their respond.. and the most annoying thing, the uninterested sound they make when you're telling your stories.. that's the bad side of being able to read made you feel awful but u have to pretend that u didn't even notice it..and that is why from now on, i'm gonna forbid myself from sharing stories that are not important to tell ( it's hard, but i'm gonna try my best )..

hey, i am a good listener, but don't forget,
i am an excellent storyteller too..


Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Things Which Are't Love..(reblog)

Your salary is not love and your word is not love. Your clothes are not love and holding hands is not love. Sex is not love and a kiss is not love. Long letters are not love and a text is not love. Flowers are not love and a box of chocolates is not love. Sunsets are not love and photographs are not love. The stars are not love and a beach under the moonlight is not love. The smell of someone else on your pillow is not love and the feeling of their skin touching your skin is not love. Heart-shaped candy is not love and an overseas holiday is not love. The truth is not love and winning an argument is not love. Warm coffee isn't love and cheap cards bought from stores are not love.  Tears are not love and laughter is not love. A head on a shoulder is not love and messages written at the front of books given as gifts are not love. Apathy is not love and numbness is not love. A pain in your chest is not love and clenching your fist is not love. Rain is not love.

Only you. Only you, are love.

~reblog from I Wrote This For You. nice one..